
Standard edge protector

The cardboard protection angle is the ecological solution to protect the edges of the packaging.


It is a product made with overlapping strips of cardboard joined together with vinyl glue and wrapped in a brown or white colored paper cover.

All these components are then pressed and shaped to obtain the “V” profile and finally cut to size.

Thanks to this particular production process, a product with high mechanical performance is obtained with the advantage of being 100% recyclable.

The main uses of the edge protector

The edge protector are used in numerous industrial sectors, in the agricultural and food sectors, for the packaging of fruit and vegetables.


The edge protector allow you to palletize using only the strap, the net or the stretch film, effectively containing numerous packages in a single pallet.


Inserted inside the boxes, they considerably increase the crushing resistance of the packaging, thus allowing a high possibility of overlapping the packages themselves. In this way it is possible to optimize spaces both during the storage and transport phases.


Thanks to their resistance and flexibility they are ideal for absorbing shocks and protecting, they can be placed inside boxes or directly on your product.

angolare asimmetrico in cartone

The standard sizes of our cardboard corners are:

  • Length L : up to 7000 mm. max.
  • Width A : 35-45-50-60-75-100 mm.
  • Width B : 35-45-50-60-75-100 mm.
  • Thickness S : from 2.5 mm up to 10 mm.
Standard edge protector
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Imballi cartone
Scatole di cartone stese
Scatole Bauletto Cartone
scatola americana
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  • Scatolificio Bassanese 2 S.p.A.
  • Partita IVA 00903740249

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  • Scatolificio Bassanese 2 S.p.A.
  • Partita IVA 00903740249

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