
Scatolificio Bassanese 2 S.p.A.
has been operating for more than 40 years in the world of packaging

Who we are
Leader in cardboard packaging

The continuous updating of the production plants and human resources allows the company to offer high quality levels at every stage of the process: from the study and prototyping of new packaging, to the realization, up to delivery to the customer.

2000 +

Projects carried out

6500 +

Satisfied Customers

Products of the box factory

What we do

Currently the production of Scatolificio Bassanese 2 SpA is mainly concentrated in the construction of


The U profiles can be produced in different widths, thicknesses and lengths. Following the customer's needs.


Including: flat trunks, trunks in 3 punched waves, large packaging and customized packaging


They allow you to palletize using only the strap, the net or the stretch film, and are ideal for absorbing shocks and protecting.

Stay green and support ecology

For our box factory, environmental sustainability means commitment to produce thinking of future generations.

Our reference model is the circular economy which reduces processing waste and improves the quality of life.

“Everyone has the power to make the world a better place.”
(Sergio Bambaren)

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  • Scatolificio Bassanese 2 S.p.A.
  • Partita IVA 00903740249

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  • Scatolificio Bassanese 2 S.p.A.
  • Partita IVA 00903740249

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