
Cardboard packaging

We make high performance corrugated cardboard packaging.
Each product requires special and dedicated packaging.
Finding the right balance between the material used, the protection the product needs and the final cost of the box is our mission.


Packaging with cardboard in three waves are the best choice for those who want very high standards of capacity and resistance to impact and perforation.

They are an excellent alternative to wooden packaging as they present greater possibilities for customization, easier disposal, greater ease of use, all at lower costs.

Some examples of products that are suitable for this type of packaging:

  • mechanical components of important dimensions
  • electric engines
  • industrial equipment
  • and so on…


The large-sized packaging includes all the main types of boxes, such as American boxes, punched and flat, made in large formats.

Thanks to our production lines it is possible to create particular types of boxes capable of reaching up to 9 meters in perimeter , ideal for
storage of particularly bulky materials.

The industrial products contained and protected by this type of packaging can be the most varied:

  • domestic appliances
  • furniture and furnishing material
  • plastic molded products
  • industrial equipment


The customized packaging includes numerous types of boxes suitable for solving particular needs. Some examples are given below:

  • shaped boxes for containing objects with particular profiles, even large ones, such as sofas and office furniture
  • integrated packaging that includes box and corners inside to ensure exceptional capacity and stackability (excellent solution to minimize storage space)
  • box with punched interior or stratocell interior to ensure the best containment and protection of your products
  • creation of integrated packaging for the containment of numerous packages in multiple rows and columns

Our qualified technical staff, thanks to the experience gained in various industrial sectors over the course of many years, will be at your disposal for the study of the most suitable technical solution for your specific needs.

Cardboard packaging
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Imballi cartone
Scatole di cartone stese
Scatole Bauletto Cartone
scatola americana
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  • Scatolificio Bassanese 2 S.p.A.
  • Partita IVA 00903740249

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  • Scatolificio Bassanese 2 S.p.A.
  • Partita IVA 00903740249

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